API Documentation

dicomslide package

class dicomslide.ChannelTypes(value)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for channel types.

class dicomslide.ImageFlavors(value)

Bases: Enum

Enumerated values for image flavors.

class dicomslide.OpenSlide(slide)

Bases: object

Wrapper class that exposes data of a slide via the OpenSlide interface.


There are two major differences between the OpenSlide interface exposed by this class and the interface exposed by dicomslide.Slide:

1. The OpenSlide API returns images as :class:`PIL.Image.Image` objects,
while :class:`dicomslide.Slide` returns pixel arrays as
:class:`numpy.ndarray` objects.
2. The OpenSlide API specifies image dimensions and indices in
column-major order (following the Pillow convention), while
:class:`dicomslide.Slide` specifies array dimensions and indices in
row-major order (following the NumPy convention).

slide (dicomslide.slide.Slide) – DICOM slide

property associated_images: Dict[str, Image]

Mapping of image flavor (LABEL or OVERVIEW) to image


Dict[str, PIL.Image.Image]

Return type

typing.Dict[str, PIL.Image.Image]

Return type


property dimensions: Tuple[int, int]

Width and height of images at base level 0


Tuple[int, int]

Return type

typing.Tuple[int, int]


Compute best level for displaying the given downsample.


downsample (float) – Desired downsample factor


Zero-based level index

Return type



Create a thumbnail of the slide.


size (Tuple[int, int]) – Number of pixels columns and rows that the thumbnail should have


RGB image

Return type


property level_count: int

Number of pyramid resolution levels



Return type


property level_dimensions: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]

Width and height of images at each level


Tuple[Tuple[int, int]]

Return type

typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[int, int], ...]

property level_downsamples: Tuple[float, ...]

Downsampling factor of images at each level with respect to the base level 0



Return type

typing.Tuple[float, ...]

property properties: Dict[str, str]

Metadata about the slide.


OpenSlide properties

Return type

Dict[str, str]

read_region(location, level, size)

Read region of a VOLUME (or THUMBNAIL) image at a given level.

  • location (Tuple[int, int]) – Zero-based (column, row) offset of the region from the topleft hand pixel of of the total pixel matrix of the image at the base level 0

  • level (int) – Zero-based level index

  • size (Tuple[int, int]) – Number of pixels columns and rows that should be read from the total pixel matrix at the specified level


RGBA image

Return type


class dicomslide.Pyramid(metadata, tolerance, ref_metadata=None)

Bases: object

Image pyramid.

  • metadata (Sequence[pydicom.Dataset]) – Metadata of DICOM image instances

  • tolerance (float) – Maximally tolerated distances between the centers of images at different pyramid levels in the slide coordinate system in millimeter unit

  • ref_metadata (Union[Sequence[pydicom.Dataset], None], optional) – Metadata of referenced DICOM source image instances that may serve as a template

class dicomslide.PyramidLevel(total_pixel_matrix_dimensions: Tuple[int, int], pixel_spacing: Tuple[float, float], downsampling_factors: Tuple[float, float], has_pixels: bool)

Bases: tuple

Image pyramid level.

Create new instance of PyramidLevel(total_pixel_matrix_dimensions, pixel_spacing, downsampling_factors, has_pixels)

property downsampling_factors

Alias for field number 2

property has_pixels

Alias for field number 3

property pixel_spacing

Alias for field number 1

property total_pixel_matrix_dimensions

Alias for field number 0

class dicomslide.Slide(client, image_metadata, max_frame_cache_size=6, pyramid_tolerance=0.1)

Bases: object

A digital slide.

A collection of DICOM image instances that share the same Frame of Reference UID and Container Identifier, i.e., that have been acquired as part of one image acquisition for the same physical glass slide (container) and can be visualized and analyzed in the same frame of reference (coordinate system).

A slide consists of one or more image pyramids - one for each unique pair of channel and focal plane. The total pixel matrices of the different pyramid levels are stored in separate DICOM image instances. Individual channels or focal planes may be each stored in separate DICOM image instances or combined in a single DICOM image instance per pyramid level. Pyramids are expected to have the same number of levels and the same downsampling factors across channels and focal planes and the total pixel matrices at each level are expected to have the same dimensions (i.e., the same number of total pixel matrix columns and rows). However, the tiling of the total pixel matrices (i.e., the number of tile columns and rows) may differ across pyramid levels as well as across channels and focal planes at the same pyramid level.

  • client (dicomweb_client.api.DICOMClient) – DICOMweb client

  • image_metadata (Sequence[pydicom.Dataset]) – Metadata of DICOM VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image instances or of derived DICOM Segmentation or Parametric Map instances that belong to the slide

  • max_frame_cache_size (int, optional) – Maximum number of frames that should be cached per image instance to avoid repeated retrieval requests

  • pyramid_tolerance (float, optional) – Maximally tolerated distances between the centers of images at different pyramid levels in the slide coordinate system in millimeter unit

property downsampling_factors: Tuple[float, ...]

Downsampling factors of images at each pyramid level relative to the base level



Return type

typing.Tuple[float, ...]

find_optical_paths(identifier=None, description=None, illumination_wavelength=None, specimen_stain=None)

Find optical paths.

  • identifier (Union[str, None], optional) – Optical path identifier

  • description (Union[str, None], optional,) – Optical path description

  • illumination_wavelength (Union[float, None], optional,) – Optical path illumination wavelength

  • specimen_stain (Union[hd.sr.CodedConcept, Code, None], optional) – Substance used for specimen staining


Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.

Return type

Tuple[int, …]

find_segments(number=None, label=None, property_category=None, property_type=None)

Find segments.

  • number (Union[int, None], optional) – Segment number

  • label (Union[str, None], optional,) – Segment label

  • property_category (Union[hd.sr.CodedConcept, Code, None], optional) – Category of segmented property

  • property_type (Union[hd.sr.CodedConcept, Code, None], optional) – Type of segmented property


Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.

Return type

Tuple[int, …]

property frame_of_reference_uid: str

Unique identifier of the frame of reference



Return type



Get identifier of a channel.


channel_index (int) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.


Channel identifier

Return type



ValueError – When no channel is found for channel_index

get_channel_index(channel_identifier, channel_type)

Get index of a channel.

  • channel_identifier (str) – Channel identifier

  • channel_type (Union[str, dicomslide.ChannelTypes]) – Channel type


Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute, which is dependend on the type of channel.

Return type



ValueError – When no channel is found for channel_identifier and channel_type


Get type of a channel.


channel_index (int) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.


Channel type

Return type



ValueError – When no channel is found for channel_index


Get index of a focal plane.


focal_plane_offset (float) – Offset of the focal plane from the from the slide surface along the Z axis of the slide coordinate system in micrometers


Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.

Return type



ValueError – When no focal plane is found for focal_plane_offset


Get z offset of focal plane in slide coordinate system.


focal_plane_index (int) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.


Offset of the focal plane from the from the slide surface along the Z axis of the slide coordinate system in micrometers

Return type



ValueError – When no focal plane is found for focal_plane_index

get_image_region(offset, level, size, channel_index=0, focal_plane_index=0)

Get image region.

  • offset (Tuple[int, int]) – Zero-based (row, column) indices in the range [0, Rows) and [0, Columns), respectively, that specify the offset of the image region in the total pixel matrix of the image at the highest resolution level. The (0, 0) coordinate is located at the center of the topleft hand pixel in the total pixel matrix.

  • level (int) – Zero-based index into pyramid levels

  • size (Tuple[int, int]) – Rows and columns of the requested image region

  • channel_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.

  • focal_plane_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.


Three-dimensional pixel array of shape (Rows, Columns, Samples per Pixel) for the requested image region

Return type


get_pixel_indices(offset, level, channel_index=0, focal_plane_index=0)

Get indices into total pixel matrix for a given slide position.

  • offset (Tuple[float, float]) – Zero-based (x, y) offset in the slide coordinate system in millimeter

  • level (int) – Zero-based index into pyramid levels

  • channel_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.

  • focal_plane_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.


Zero-based (row, column) position in the total pixel matrix of the image

Return type

Tuple[int, int]


Pixel position may be negativ or extend beyond the size of the total pixel matrix if slide position at offset does fall into a region on the slide that was not imaged.

get_slide_offset(pixel_indices, level, channel_index=0, focal_plane_index=0)

Get slide coordinates for a given total pixel matrix position.

  • pixel_indices (Tuple[int, int]) – Zero-based (row, column) offset in the total pixel matrix

  • level (int) – Zero-based index into pyramid levels

  • channel_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.

  • focal_plane_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.


Zero-based (x, y) position on the slide in the slide coordinate system in millimeter

Return type

Tuple[float, float]

get_slide_region(offset, level, size, channel_index=0, focal_plane_index=0)

Get slide region.

  • offset (Tuple[float, float]) – Zero-based (x, y) offset in the slide coordinate system in millimeter resolution. The (0.0, 0.0) coordinate is located at the origin of the slide (usually the slide corner).

  • level (int) – Zero-based index into pyramid levels

  • size (Tuple[float, float]) – Width and height of the requested slide region in millimeter unit along the X and Y axis of the slide coordinate system, respectively.

  • channel_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.

  • focal_plane_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.


Three-dimensional pixel array of shape (Rows, Columns, Samples per Pixel) for the requested slide region

Return type



The slide coordinate system is defined for the upright standing slide such that the X axis corresponds to the short side of the slide and the Y axis corresponds to the long side of the slide. The rows of the returned pixel array are thus parallel to the X axis of the slide coordinate system and the columns parallel to the Y axis of the slide coordinate system.

get_slide_region_for_annotation(annotation, level, channel_index=0, padding=0.0)

Get slide region defined by a graphic annotation.

  • annotation (highdicom.sr.Scoord3DContentItem) – Graphic annotation that defines the region of interest (ROI) in the slide coordinate system

  • level (int) – Zero-based index into pyramid levels

  • channel_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.

  • padding (Union[int, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, int]], optional) – Padding on each border of the region defined by annotation. If a single integer is provided, the value is used to pad all four borders with the same number of pixels. If a sequence of length 2 is provided, the two values are used to pad the left/right (along the X axis) and top/bottom (along the Y axis) border, respectively. If a sequence of length 4 is provided, the four values are used to pad the left (- X axis), top (+ Y axis), right (+ X axis), and bottom (- Y axis) borders respectively.


Three-dimensional pixel array of shape (Rows, Columns, Samples per Pixel) for the requested slide region

Return type



The slide coordinate system is defined for the upright standing slide such that the X axis corresponds to the short side of the slide and the Y axis corresponds to the long side of the slide. The rows of the returned pixel array are thus parallel to the X axis of the slide coordinate system and the columns parallel to the Y axis of the slide coordinate system.

get_volume_images(channel_index=0, focal_plane_index=0)

Get VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images for an channel and focal plane.

  • channel_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.

  • focal_plane_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.


Images sorted by size in descending order

Return type

Tuple[dicomslide.TiledImage, …]

property label_images: Tuple[TiledImage, ...]

LABEL images of the slide


Tuple[dicomslide.TiledImage, …]

Return type

typing.Tuple[dicomslide.image.TiledImage, ...]

map_pixel_indices_to_slide_coordinates(pixel_indices, level, channel_index=0, focal_plane_index=0)

Map pixel indices to slide coordinates.

  • pixel_indices (numpy.ndarray) – Zero-based (row, column) indices into the total pixel matrix of the image

  • level (int) – Zero-based index into pyramid levels

  • channel_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.

  • focal_plane_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.


Zero-based (x, y, z) coordinates in the slide coordinate system in millimeter

Return type


map_slide_coordinates_to_pixel_indices(slide_coordinates, level, channel_index=0, focal_plane_index=0)

Map slide coordinates to pixel indices.

  • slide_coordinates (numpy.ndarray) – Zero-based (x, y, z) coordinates in the slide coordinate system in millimeter

  • level (int) – Zero-based index into pyramid levels

  • channel_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.

  • focal_plane_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute of VOLUME or THUMBNAIL images.


Zero-based (row, column) indices into the total pixel matrix of the image

Return type


property num_channels: int

Number of channels



Return type


property num_focal_planes: int

Number of focal planes



Return type


property num_levels: int

Number of pyramid levels


Levels are sorted by size in descending order from the base level (highest image resolution, smallest pixel spacing) to the top level (lowest image resolution, largest pixel spacing).



Return type


property overview_images: Tuple[TiledImage, ...]

OVERVIEW images of the slide


Tuple[dicomslide.TiledImage, …]

Return type

typing.Tuple[dicomslide.image.TiledImage, ...]

property physical_offset: Tuple[float, float]

Minimum offset of the total pixel matrices from the origin of the frame of reference along the X and Y axes of the slide coordinate system in millimeter


Tuple[float, float]

Return type

typing.Tuple[float, float]

property physical_size: Tuple[float, float]

Maximum size of the total pixel matrices along the X and Y axes of the slide coordinate system in millimeter


Tuple[float, float]

Return type

typing.Tuple[float, float]

property pixel_spacings: Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...]

Distance between neighboring pixels along the row (left to right) and column (top to bottom) directions


Tuple[Tuple[float, float], …]

Return type

typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[float, float], ...]

property size: Tuple[int, int]

Maximum size of the total pixel matrices along the rows and columns axes of the total pixel matrix


Tuple[int, int]

Return type

typing.Tuple[int, int]

property total_pixel_matrix_dimensions: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]

Number of columns and rows in the total pixel matrix for images at each pyramid level


Tuple[Tuple[int, int], …]

Return type

typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[int, int], ...]

class dicomslide.TiledImage(client, image_metadata, max_frame_cache_size=6)

Bases: object

A tiled DICOM image.

An instance of the class represents a tiled DICOM image instance and provides methods for convenient and efficient access of image metadata and pixel data from a DICOMweb server (or another source for which the dicomweb_client.DICOMClient protocol has been implemented).

A tiled image is hereby defined as a DICOM image instance that contains the Total Pixel Matrix Rows and Total Pixel Matrix Columns attributes.

The class is designed to be independent of a particular DICOM Information Object Definition (IOD) or SOP Class and support various different types of DICOM images, including VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image, Segmentation, and Parametric Map.

Each image is associated with one or more dicomslide.TotalPixelMatrix instances, one for each unique combination of channel and focal plane. The definition of a channel is specific to a particular IOD. For example, in case of VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image, a channel corresponds to an optical path, whereas in case of a Segmentation, a channel corresponds to a segment.


>>> image = TiledImage(...)
>>> print(image.metadata)  # pydicom.Dataset
>>> print(image.metadata.BitsAllocated)
>>> print(image.metadata.TotalPixelMatrixRows)
>>> pixel_matrix = image.get_tota_pixel_matrix(channel_index=0)
>>> print(pixel_matrix.dtype)
>>> print(pixel_matrix.shape)
>>> print(pixel_matrix[:1000, 350:750, :])  # numpy.ndarray

Construct object.

  • client (dicomweb_client.api.DICOMClient) – DICOMweb client

  • image_metadata (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Metadata of a tiled DICOM image

  • max_frame_cache_size (int, optional) – Maximum number of frames that should be cached to avoid repeated retrieval requests


If image_metadata is the metadata of a color image, it should contain the ICC Profile element to enable color management. The value of this element may be considered bulkdata and therefore may have to be retrieved separately over DICOMweb.

property channel_type: ChannelTypes

type of channels



Return type


property frame_of_reference_uid: str

Unique identifier of the frame of reference



Return type



Get identifier of a channel.


channel_index (int) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute.


Channel identifier

Return type



ValueError – When no channel is found for channel_index


Get index of a channel.

The nature of the channel is specific to the SOP Class for the image. For example, in case of DICOM VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image, a channel is an optical path and in case of a DICOM Segmentation, a channel is a segment.


channel_identifier (str) – Identifier of a channel


Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the corresponding attribute.

Return type



ValueError – When no channel is found for channel_identifier


Get index of a focal plane.


focal_plane_offset (float) – Offset of the focal plane from the from the slide surface along the Z axis of the slide coordinate system in micrometers


Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute. Values must be in the range [1, Total Pixel Matrix Focal Planes]

Return type



ValueError – When no focal plane is found for focal_plane_offset


Get z offset in slide coordinate system of a focal plane.


focal_plane_index (int) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute. Values must be in the range [0, Total Pixel Matrix Focal Planes).


Offset of the focal plane from the from the slide surface along the Z axis of the slide coordinate system in micrometers

Return type



ValueError – When no focal plane is found for focal_plane_index

get_image_region(offset, size, channel_index=0, focal_plane_index=0)

Get image region.

  • offset (Tuple[int, int]) – Zero-based (row, column) indices in the range [0, Rows) and [0, Columns), respectively, that specify the offset of the image region in the total pixel matrix. The (0, 0) coordinate is located at the center of the topleft hand pixel in the total pixel matrix.

  • size (Tuple[int, int]) – Rows and columns of the requested image region

  • channel_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute.

  • focal_plane_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute. Values must be in the range [0, Total Pixel Matrix Focal Planes)


Three-dimensional pixel array of shape (Rows, Columns, Samples per Pixel) for the requested image region

Return type



Get indices into total pixel matrix for a given slide position.


offset (Tuple[float, float]) – Zero-based (x, y) offset in the slide coordinate system in millimeter


Zero-based (row, column) position in the total pixel matrix

Return type

Tuple[int, int]


Pixel position may be negativ or extend beyond the size of the total pixel matrix if slide position at offset does fall into a region on the slide that was not imaged.


Get unique identifiers of referenced instances.


sop_class_uid (str) – SOP Class UID of instances for which references should be obtained


Study, Series, and SOP Instance UID of each referenced image

Return type

List[Tuple[str, str, str]]


Get angle to rotate image such that it aligns with slide.

We want to align the image with the slide coordinate system such that the axes of the total pixel matrix are aligned with the X and Y axes of the slide coordinate system to ensure that spatial coordinates of graphic region of interest (ROI) annotations and are aligned with the source image region.


Counterclockwise angle of rotation

Return type



Get slide coordinates for a given total pixel matrix position.


pixel_indices (Tuple[int, int]) – Zero-based (row, column) offset in the total pixel matrix


Zero-based (x, y) position on the slide in the slide coordinate system in millimeter

Return type

Tuple[float, float]

get_slide_region(offset, size, channel_index=0, focal_plane_index=0)

Get slide region.

  • offset (Tuple[float, float]) – Zero-based (x, y) offset in the slide coordinate system in millimeter resolution. The (0.0, 0.0) coordinate is located at the origin of the slide (usually the slide corner).

  • size (Tuple[float, float]) – Width and height of the requested slide region in millimeter unit along the X and Y axis of the slide coordinate system, respectively.

  • channel_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute.

  • focal_plane_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute. Values must be in the range [0, Total Pixel Matrix Focal Planes)


Three-dimensional pixel array of shape (Rows, Columns, Samples per Pixel) for the requested slide region

Return type



The slide coordinate system is defined for the upright standing slide such that the X axis corresponds to the short side of the slide and the Y axis corresponds to the long side of the slide. The rows of the returned pixel array are thus parallel to the X axis of the slide coordinate system and the columns parallel to the Y axis of the slide coordinate system.

get_total_pixel_matrix(channel_index=0, focal_plane_index=0)

Get total pixel matrix for a given optical path and focal plane.

  • channel_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute.

  • focal_plane_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute. Values must be in the range [0, Total Pixel Matrix Focal Planes).


Total Pixel Matrix

Return type



Map pixel indices to slide coordinates.


pixel_indices (numpy.ndarray) – Zero-based (row, column) indices into the total pixel matrix of the image


Zero-based (x, y, z) coordinates in the slide coordinate system in millimeter

Return type



Map slide coordinates to pixel indices.


slide_coordinates (numpy.ndarray) – Zero-based (x, y, z) coordinates in the slide coordinate system in millimeter


Zero-based (row, column) indices into the total pixel matrix of the image

Return type


property metadata: Dataset

Image metadata



Return type


property num_channels: int

Number of channels



Return type


property num_focal_planes: int

Number of focal planes



Return type


property physical_offset: Tuple[float, float]

Offset of the total pixel matrix from the origin of the frame of reference along the X and Y axes of the slide coordinate system in millimeter


Tuple[float, float]

Return type

typing.Tuple[float, float]

property physical_size: Tuple[float, float]

Size of the total pixel matrix along the X and Y axes of the slide coordinate system in millimeter


Tuple[float, float]

Return type

typing.Tuple[float, float]

property size: Tuple[int, int]

Number of total pixel matrix rows and columns


Tuple[int, int]

Return type

typing.Tuple[int, int]

class dicomslide.TotalPixelMatrix(client, image_metadata, channel_index=0, focal_plane_index=0, max_frame_cache_size=9, correct_color=True)

Bases: object

Total Pixel Matrix.

The class exposes a NumPy-like interface to index into a total pixel matrix of a tiled image, where each tile is encoded as a separate frame. Instances of the class walk and quack like NumPy arrays and can be indexed accordingly. When the caller indexes instances of the class, the corresponding image frames are dynamically retrieved from a DICOM store and decoded.

A notable difference to NumPy array indexing is that a one-dimensional index returns an individual tile of the total pixel matrix (i.e., a 2D array) rather than an individual row of the total pixel matrix (i.e., a 1D array).

The caller can index instances of the class either using one-dimensional tile indices into the flattened list of tiles in the total pixel matrix to get one or more individual tiles or using three-dimensional pixel indices (rows, columns, and samples) into the total pixel matrix to get a continous region of pixels spanning one or more tiles.


>>> matrix = TotalPixelMatrix(...)
>>> print(matrix.dtype)
>>> print(matrix.ndim)
>>> print(matrix.shape)
>>> print(matrix.size)
>>> region = matrix[:256, 256:512, :]
>>> print(len(matrix))
>>> tile = matrix[0]
>>> tile = matrix[matrix.get_tile_index(2, 4)]
>>> tiles = matrix[[0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7]]
>>> tiles = matrix[2:6]


The total pixel matrix may be very large and indexing the row or column dimension with : may consume a lot of time and memory.

Construct object.

  • client (dicomweb_client.api.DICOMClient) – DICOMweb client

  • image_metadata (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Metadata of a tiled DICOM image

  • channel_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate DICOM attribute(s).

  • focal_plane_index (int, optional) – Zero-based index into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute. Values must be in the range [0, Total Pixel Matrix Focal Planes).

  • max_frame_cache_size (int, optional) – Maximum number of frames that should be cached to avoid repeated retrieval requests

  • correct_color (bool, optional) – Whether pixel values should be color corrected

property dtype: dtype

Data type



Return type



Get the bounding box of a tile.


index (int) – Tile index

Return type

typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[int, int], typing.Tuple[int, int]]


  • offset (Tuple[int, int]) – Zero-based (row, column) pixel indices in the total pixel matrix

  • size (Tuple[int, int]) – Height (rows) and width (columns) of the tile


Get position of a tile in the tile grid.


index (int) – Zero-based index of the tile in the flattened total pixel matrix


Zero-based (row, column) index of a tile in the tile grid

Return type

Tuple[int, int]

get_tile_index(position=None, frame_number=None)

Get index of a tile.

  • position (Union[Tuple[int, int], None], optional) – Zero-based (row, column) index of a tile in the tile grid

  • frame_number (Union[int, None], optional) – One-base number of the corresponding frame item in the Pixel Data element


Zero-based index of the tile in the flattened total pixel matrix

Return type



Either position or frame_number must be provided.


Get position of a tile.


index (int) – Zero-based index of the tile in the flattened total pixel matrix


Zero-based (row, column) offset of a tile in the total pixel matrix

Return type

Tuple[int, int]

property ndim: int

Number of dimensions



Return type


property num_tiles: int

Number of tiles



Return type


property shape: Tuple[int, int, int]

Rows, Columns, and Samples per Pixel


Tuple[int, int, int]

Return type

typing.Tuple[int, int, int]

property size: int

Size (rows x columns x samples)



Return type


property tile_grid_positions: ndarray

Two-dimensional array of integer values representing the grid positions of individual tiles in the tile grid



Return type


property tile_grid_shape: Tuple[int, int]

Number of tiles along the column (top to bottom) and row (left to right) direction of the tile grid


Tuple[int, int]

Return type

typing.Tuple[int, int]

property tile_positions: ndarray

Two-dimensional array of integer values representing the positions of individual tiles in the total pixel matrix, i.e., the offsets from the (0, 0) origin of the total pixel matrix at the top lefthand pixel



Return type


property tile_shape: Tuple[int, int, int]

Number of pixel rows, pixel columns, and samples per pixel of an individual tile


Tuple[int, int, int]

Return type

typing.Tuple[int, int, int]

property tile_size: int

Size of an invidual tile (rows x columns x samples)



Return type


class dicomslide.TotalPixelMatrixSampler(matrix, region_dimensions, bounding_box=None, tile_grid_positions=None, padding=0)

Bases: object

Class for sampling regions of a total pixel matrix.

Regions are sampled from a regular 2D Cartesian grid, where each region has the same dimensions. Upon sampling, individual regions may optionally be padded at one or more borders using pixels from adjacent regions. Sampling can be constraint to a subset of the grid.

  • matrix (dicomslide.TotalPixelMatrix) – Total pixel matrix

  • region_dimensions (Tuple[int, int]) – Height (rows) and width (columns) of sampled regions

  • bounding_box (Union[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]], None], optional) – Bounding box of region of interest within total pixel matrix from which regions should be sampled

  • tile_grid_positions (Union[Sequence[Tuple[int, int]], numpy.ndarray, None], optional) – Grid position of tiles that intersect with the region of interest within the total pixel matrix from which regions should be sampled. Each grid position is a zero-based (row, column) index into the tile grid of the total pixel matrix.

  • padding (Union[int, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, int]], optional) – Padding on each border of the sampled region using pixels from neighboring regions. If a single integer is provided, the value is used to pad all four borders with the same number of pixels. If a sequence of length 2 is provided, the two values are used to pad the left/right and top/bottom border, respectively. If a sequence of length 4 is provided, the four values are used to pad the left, top, right, and bottom borders respectively.


If bounding_box and tile_grid_positions are provided, tile_grid_positions are ignored.


Get position of sampled region in the grid.


index (int) – Zero-based index of the sampled region


Zero-based (row, column) grid position

Return type

Tuple[int, int]

property matrix: TotalPixelMatrix

Total pixel matrix



Return type


property padded_region_shape: Tuple[int, int, int]

Number of pixel rows, pixel columns, and samples per pixel of sampled region with overlapping pixels from neighboring regions


Tuple[int, int, int]

Return type

typing.Tuple[int, int, int]

property padding: Tuple[int, int, int, int]

Padding at the left, top, right, and bottom of each sampled region


Tuple[int, int, int, int]

Return type

typing.Tuple[int, int, int, int]

property region_shape: Tuple[int, int, int]

Number of pixel rows, pixel columns, and samples per pixel of a region


Tuple[int, int, int]

Return type

typing.Tuple[int, int, int]

dicomslide.assemble_total_pixel_matrix(tiles, tile_positions, total_pixel_matrix_rows, total_pixel_matrix_columns)

Assemble a total pixel matrix from individual tiles.

  • tiles (Sequence[numpy.ndarray]) – Individual image tiles

  • tile_positions (Union[Sequence[Tuple[int, int]], numpy.ndarray]) – Zero-based (row, column) position of each tile in the total pixel matrix

  • total_pixel_matrix_rows (int) – Number of total rows

  • total_pixel_matrix_columns (int) – Number of total columns


Total pixel matrix

Return type



Compute the positions of frames.


image (pydicom.Dataset) – Metadata of a tiled image

Return type

typing.Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]


  • total_pixel_matrix_positions (numpy.ndarray) – Zero-based (row, column) offset of the center of the top lefthand corner pixel of each frame from the origin of the total pixel matrix in pixel unit. Values are unsigned integers in the range [0, Total Pixel Matrix Rows) and [0, Total Pixel Matrix Columns). The position of the top lefthand corner tile is (0, 0).

  • slide_positions (numpy.ndarray) – Zero-based (x, y, z) offset of the center of the top lefthand corner pixel of each frame from the origin of the slide coordinate system (frame of reference) in millimeter unit. Values are floating-point numbers in the range [-inf, inf].

  • channel_indices (numpy.ndarray) – Zero-based index for each frame into channels along the direction defined by successive items of the appropriate attribute. In case of a VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image, the attribute is the Optical Path Sequence, and in case of Segmentation, the attribute is the Segment Sequence.

  • focal_plane_indices (numpy.ndarray) – Zero-based index for each frame into focal planes along depth direction from the glass slide towards the coverslip in the slide coordinate system specified by the Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System attribute. Values are integers in the range [0, Total Pixel Matrix Focal Planes).


Compute position of image center in slide coordinate system.


image (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Metadata of DICOM VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image instance


(x, y, z) coordinates

Return type

Tuple[float, float, float]

dicomslide.disassemble_total_pixel_matrix(total_pixel_matrix, tile_positions, rows, columns)

Disassemble a total pixel matrix into individual tiles.

  • total_pixel_matrix (numpy.ndarray) – Total pixel matrix

  • tile_positions (Union[Sequence[Tuple[int, int]], numpy.ndarray]) – Zero-based (row, column) position of each tile in the total pixel matrix

  • rows (int) – Number of rows per tile

  • columns (int) – Number of columns per tile


Stacked image tiles

Return type


dicomslide.does_optical_path_item_match(item, identifier=None, description=None, illumination_wavelength=None)

Check whether an optical path item matches.

  • item (pydicom.Dataset) – Item of the Optical Path Sequence

  • identifier (Union[str, None], optional) – Optical path identifier

  • description (Union[str, None], optional) – Optical path description

  • illumination_wavelength (Union[float, None], optional) – Illumination wave length


Whether item matches

Return type


dicomslide.does_segment_item_match(item, number=None, label=None, property_category=None, property_type=None)

Check whether a segment item matches.

  • item (pydicom.Dataset) – Item of the Segment Sequence

  • number (Union[int, None], optional) – Segment number

  • label (Union[int, None], optional) – Segment label

  • property_category (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept, None], optional) – Segmented property category

  • property_type (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept, None], optional) – Segmented property type


Whether item matches

Return type


dicomslide.does_specimen_description_item_match(item, specimen_stain=None)

Check whether a specimen description item matches.

  • item (pydicom.Dataset) – Item of the Specimen Description Sequence

  • specimen_stain (Union[pydicom.sr.coding.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept, None], optional) – Specimen stain substance


Whether item matches

Return type


dicomslide.find_slides(client, study_instance_uid=None, patient_id=None, study_id=None, container_id=None, max_frame_cache_size=6, pyramid_tolerance=0.1, fail_on_error=True, include_derived=True, specimen_stains=None, optical_path_ids=None)

Find slides.

  • client (dicomweb_client.api.DICOMClient) – DICOMweb client

  • study_instance_uid (Union[str, None], optional) – DICOM Study Instance UID

  • patient_id (Union[str, None], optional) – Patient identifier

  • study_id (Union[str, None], optional) – Study identifier

  • container_id (Union[str, None], optional) – Specimen container (slide) identifier

  • max_frame_cache_size (int, optional) – Maximum number of frames that should be cached per image instance to avoid repeated retrieval requests

  • pyramid_tolerance (float, optional) – Maximally tolerated distances between the centers of images at different pyramid levels in the slide coordinate system in millimeter unit

  • fail_on_error (bool, optional) – Wether the function should raise an exception in case an error occurs. If False, slides will be skipped.

  • include_derived (bool, optional) – Whether derived images (DICOM Segmentation or DICOM Parametric Map instances) should be considered and included into slides

  • specimen_stains (Union[Sequence[Union[pydicom.sr.Code, highdicom.sr.CodedConcept]], None]) – Specimen stains for which corresponding slide microscopy images should be included in slides. Any image that does not contain one of the stains in the speciment description will be omitted.

  • optical_path_ids (Union[Sequence[str], None]) – Identifiers of optical paths for which corresponding slide microscopy images should be included in slides. Any image that does not contain any of the specified optical paths will be omitted.


Digital slides

Return type



Get pixel spacing (spacing between pixels) of an image.


image (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Metadata of a DICOM VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image instance derived image instance (e.g., DICOM Segmentation)


Pixel spacing

Return type

Tuple[float, float]


It is assumed that pixels are square.


Get size of an image.


image (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Metadata of a DICOM VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image instance or a derived image instance (e.g., DICOM Segmentation)


Number of pixels in each total pixel matrix

Return type



Determine whether a dataset is an image.


dataset (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Dataset


Whether dataset is an image

Return type



Determine whether a dataset is a LABEL image.


dataset (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Dataset


Whether dataset is a LABEL image

Return type



Determine whether a dataset is an OVERVIEW image.


dataset (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Dataset


Whether dataset is an OVERVIEW image

Return type



Determine whether a dataset is a tiled image.


dataset (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Dataset


Whether dataset is a tiled image

Return type



Determine whether a dataset is a VOLUME or THUMBNAIL image.


dataset (pydicom.dataset.Dataset) – Dataset


Whether dataset is a VOLUME or THUMBNAIL image

Return type


dicomslide.select_image_at_magnification(collection, magnification, tolerance=None)

Select an image from a collection at a desired magnification.

  • collection (Sequence[pydicom.dataset.Dataset]) – Metadata of DICOM VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image instances

  • magnification (int) – Magnification level (corresponds roughly to object lens power of a microscope) of the image that should be selected. Note that an image with an exactly matching magnification may not exist. In this case, the nearest level will be chosen. Choices: {2, 4, 10, 20, 40}

  • tolerance (Union[float, None], optional) – Difference between target magnification and closest available magnification in millimeter that can be tolerated.


Image closest to the desired magnification

Return type



ValueError – When argument collection is an emtpy sequence, when argument magnification does not match one of the available options, or when tolerance is exceeded.

dicomslide.select_image_at_pixel_spacing(collection, pixel_spacing, tolerance=None)

Select an image from a collection at a desired spatial pixel spacing.

  • collection (Sequence[pydicom.dataset.Dataset]) – Metadata of DICOM VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image instances

  • pixel_spacing (Tuple[float, float]) – Desired spacing between two pixels along the row and column direction of the image from top to bottom and left to right, respectively.

  • tolerance (Union[float, None], optional) – Difference between target magnification and closest available magnification in millimeter that can be tolerated.


Image closest to the desired pixel spacing

Return type



ValueError – When argument collection is an emtpy sequence or when tolerance is exceeded.


If multiple images with the same pixel spacing are contained in collection, the first matching image will be returned. It is the responsibility of the caller to filter the images beforehand if necessary.


Sort images by pixel spacing in ascending order (lowest to highest).


collection (Sequence[pydicom.dataset.Dataset]) – Metadata of DICOM VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image instances


Sorted metadata of DICOM VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image instances

Return type



Sort images by size in descending order (largest to smallest).


collection (Sequence[pydicom.dataset.Dataset]) – Metadata of DICOM VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image instances


Sorted metadata of DICOM VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image instances

Return type
